Pierre El Sokhn

Artificial intelligence and its ramifications

Artificial Intelligence and the future of human society

Artificial intelligence refers to the development of intelligent machines. It revolves around the idea of machines thinking for themselves. It is a crucial concept in robotics and involves countless complex phenomena such as machine learning and algorithms. More commonly, the term artificial intelligence is being used for editing Softwares, music software, and most importantly in scientific research. It can be defined simply as, research and construction of intelligent agents. Artificial intelligence is a system that is designed to take data from its environment and act accordingly.

AI is a research method that focuses on building systems that work in a given area and decided to take specific steps based on pre-planned prices and desirable areas. The idea of an additional system is utilized to have the system have options there are more valid alternatives are available. There is another possibility of mapping the human mind and creating its artificial copy. In the year 1950, John Mcarthy invented this system.

He retorted, ‘’every aspect of learning and intelligence can be so coherently and precisely described that a machine can emulate it, however, an attempt will be made to find how to make machines use language and solve problems reserved for humans and improve them’’. Therefore, it is a very exhilarating field.

Pros of Artificial intelligence

Following  are the advantages of artificial intelligence,

  • Mitigating human’s err

We all know, ‘’ to err is humane’’. Computers don’t err if they are properly designed. Since Artificial intelligence uses algorithms that reduce the chances of error. For example, in diagnosing lymphoma AI has reduced human errors.

  • Ubiquitous availability

Humans get tired by doing not even arduous tasks. They are more likely to take breaks and refreshments. On the other hand, computers are making our burden less and less. With artificial intelligence, they can be properly trained and make effective. For example, Use of artificial intelligence in security operations.

  • Swift decisions

By using AI we can train machines that will make decisions faster than humans. Moreover, humans are prone to emotions that can affect their decision-making criteria, Machines on the other hand are void of emotions. For example, in trading, people use machines to avoid falling prey to emotions

  • Digital help

Some Highly advanced companies use digital help to get their tasks done. For example, they use special software for chatting that makes it difficult for a human to recognize whether it is human or not.

  • Avoid boring tasks

By using AI we can get rid of tiring and boring tasks. For example, in our daily affairs of offices, employees are obliged to watch over messages and respond to them or send emails back again, etc, these are boring tasks that can be avoided by using Artificial intelligence.

Cons of AI

Some of the negative factors associated with artificial intelligence include

  • Replacing Human beings?

One of the most popular threats perceived with artificial intelligence is that it may gradually replace human labor. This might be beneficial for increasing the rate of production but would be drastic for the job market. It is thus presumed that with a rise in the use of AI, more and more humans will be sent back from work since the menial tasks they were performing would be done more efficiently by the machines.

  • Unreliable

Let’s be fair, the machines are getting faster and faster but there seems to be an inherent tendency of reliability. Machines always have the risk of crashing. And that is not to say that humans do not fall ill but machines cannot always repair themselves or resolve their issue until someone is closely monitoring the system. In this way, the machines always require a close eye to ensure seamless working and a reliable functionality

  • Fear of the Unknown

To add to all of the shade already associated with artificial intelligence, holly wood doesn’t help when it comes to establishing trust with the machines. We’ve all seen the 1984 Terminator and movies like that flood our minds with images of machine invasions and human subjugation when we hear the word AI. There is a lack of understanding among the common people about the functioning of this technology and they often find themselves disconnected and afraid of Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence

How will decrease manpower?

The tedious task can be easily replaced by artificial intelligence for instance activities related to document classification content moderation CallCenter operation etc. Moreover, humans can be replaced by smart robots to perform dull tasks. Artificial intelligence is also effective in dealing with more complex activities, for example, data streams and autonomous vehicles.

Similarly, financial services which mainly rely on data processing will be beneficial in adopting artificial intelligence. Likewise in the current environment, we see online shopping mainly utilizing computers and decreasing the demands of manpower. Though it seems lucrative for humans but it has its own ramifications, for instance, it will enhance hman suffering by instigating unemployment.


Once a dream, now a reality, Artificial intelligence has become a part of our everyday lives. We may not always know but our mobile phones, computers utilize artificial intelligence to produce a flawless experience for us. Artificial intelligence surely has its cons and a lot of people are scared of its potential. But most of such phobias are disconnected from reality and rooted in the sci-fi depiction of machine takeovers of human society. In truth, Artificial intelligence is becoming a regular part of our lives. It is not something to be scared of but mainly serves the purpose of aide human beings.

As Artificial intelligence technology becomes more and more sophisticated, we will see a rising trend of acceptance and utilization by the masses. Artificial intelligence is not far from becoming a new normal, and some might even argue that it already has become something as such. It can be hoped that this idea shall be used for the collective benefit of human beings and not something that will promote factionalism and will further divide us.

Some of the concerns revolving around artificial intelligence are genuine but the only way forward is to take such concerns into context while developing this technology. If you have any question, please feel free to contact me.